Regulatory Offences

Regulatory or “quasi criminal” offences attract unique legal considerations. Often these matters involve corporations or companies which will be punished with extremely high fines because corporations cannot be put in jail and the courts want to deter corporate misconduct by going right to the corporate bottom line. Hopkins Law is experienced in regulatory defence work, particularly occupational health and safety prosecutions, having both defended and prosecuted some of the highest profile occupational health and safety cases in Canada.

Regulatory Offence Lawyers – Edmonton & surrounding area
587-414-6851 *available 24/7
Hopkins Law – Criminal Lawyers
Edmonton: 11051 97 Street #101

hopkins criminal lawyers edmonton regulatory offences
regulatory offence lawyer edmonton - scales of justice

If you are a small or medium sized business dealing with charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) your very bottom line will be at stake. Hopkins Law will not drain your resources. We do not operate on the assumption that simply because you are a successful business that you have limitless resources to pour into your defence. Because of our knowledge and experience with OHSA prosecutions we cut to the chase and won’t waste your valuable time and resources on excessive legal analysis and wasted court appearances. You won’t be billed for a junior’s memo into an irrelevant legal issue and we will keep the prosecution’s feet to the fire.

OHSA cases requires prudent “balancing” of costs and benefits. Racking up huge legal costs to defend a case which would likely lead to a modest fine upon conviction may be fiscally imprudent. We will seek to bring your case to a satisfactory conclusion, sooner rather than later. We will explore reasonable resolutions long before the matter is on the trial “courthouse steps.”

It is often important to start gathering evidence in OHSA cases right away because the prosecution has a reduced burden of proof and will often take a strategy which requires the defence to call evidence. You need lawyers who are appreciative of the subtleties of the evidentiary dynamics of regulatory prosecutions on the case right at the start – when evidence is best secured.

Just because you are a dynamic pro social business used to a healthy bottom line doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hire a “criminal” law firm to protect your interests. On the contrary. We are used to getting the job done for our clients in a way that respects the bottom line. Moreover, we are comfortable in trial courts. In fact, we may well end up champing at the bit to get into a trial court to get the job done for you.

We’ll move things along to a satisfactory conclusion, without getting bogged down in process to the detriment of your defence. Fact is, a regulatory prosecution is much closer to a criminal prosecution than it is to a civil lawsuit. Hire Hopkins Law to defend your company. We are very good at getting to the bottom line.

Regulatory Offence Lawyers – Edmonton & surrounding area
587-414-6851 *available 24/7
Hopkins Law – Criminal Lawyers
Edmonton: 11051 97 Street #101

regulatory offence lawyer edmonton - scales of justice
